How to structure your service offering
Why having a structured service offering enables you sell outcomes instead of time spent ?
What did you feel the last time you went to the mechanic / dentist / lawyer ? As a client, how do you perceive a proposal when you do not master the required skills to do it yourself ? What if it takes more time ?
What you want as a client is :
- your car fixed
- your pain disappeared
- your legal issue fixed
Selling an outcome is reassuring, it builds trust upfront
How to overcome the risks involved and start selling outcomes ? Here’s the first steps.
Eliminate tasks outside your core skills
A great cook may be a terrible waiter. You need to stop thinking you can do all by yourself.
Being honest and objective about your business helps you identify what should be outsourced.
You need to free-up time.
Create maturity models of your clients
Each client has different issues based on their relative maturity on the topic you’ll help them. How far are your client from their goals ?
Create phases in your service offering, like a pipeline, to achieve key milestones. You can add a discovery (audit) phase and charge for it.
You should have a clear journey for your clients.
Spend 20% of the week improving
The key to gain efficiency is to always create templates and automate.
Create templates for the maturity phases. Automate what you do more than twice a day.
Leveraging digital tools to improve your efficiency is the first step : you should spend at least 20% of your week on these topics.
Look how @JustinSaaS, @dickiebush and @nicolascole77 are killing it :
- Focus
- Phase-out
- Templates / Automate
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